The Data Company
Gladstone is a privately held software company with nearly 60 years of experience. We specialize in ALL THINGS DATA, providing applications for data analysis, data mapping, data conversions, data cleansing, and data validation. These are primary functions used in automated data conversion and data migration.
Our team consists of experts with decades of experience in the data arena, taking great pride in servicing our clients with the goal of performing data conversion and migration projects: 1) quicker, 2) accurately, 3) on-time, and 4) on-budget.

Software Suite
Gladstone offers a host of software titles which have been proven and trusted for over a half-century by hundreds of large- and mid-sized businesses in a variety of industries, including banking and finance, insurance, utilities, manufacturing, government, and healthcare.
Our software has been used in data centers around the world to successfully perform data conversions for hundreds of customers, thousands of applications, and millions of files, completed on multiple platforms: MVS, AS/400, UNIX, and PC.
- Our software can be licensed on a perpetual basis to end-users who perform multiple data conversions.
- Our software can be licensed on a project basis to consulting companies.
- Our software can be "rented" to customers needing access on a temporary basis.
Gladstone Analysis Package is a subset of Gladstone Conversion Package. We have unbundled the data analysis and report writing components of GCP and created this separate product offering at the request of clients.
Gladstone Date Package identifies 130 recognizable date formats in an efficient and complete method and provides 100% validation that all date fields have been found and converted.
Gladstone Conversion Package is our flagship software product and covers the gamut of capabilities needed for data analysis and data conversion projects. The software brings automation to a conversion process by generating custom conversion programs on-site.
Gladstone Validation Package offers extensive validation and testing technologies to meet and exceed data conversion requirements. GVP equips a user to easily validate any/all data elements.
Gladstone DataMap™ facilitates the data mapping process. It is a user-friendly tool that allows fields from one or more source files to be mapped to fields in the target field, generating the actual data move specifications.
Meta Data Plus
Meta Data Plus expands on Gladstone's data integrity process with the premise that we will learn as much about the data as possible using automated programs.